Saturday, December 31, 2011

As the last year falls away...

Here we are, at the end of another year.  2011 has certainly taught some difficult lessons.  I finally took some notes so I won't repeat mistakes.  (I hope!)

I keep trying to look back and reflect on this past year, but the future beckons and I find myself looking forward instead.  Maybe that is how it should be?

Less than 24 hours and we will have started a new year - 2012.  A birthday in less than 48 hours.  Surgery in 30 days.  Stepping back into a world of sound in February.

For me, activation may end up as my "New Year."  There are so many sounds I want to hear again.  Realistically, I know that rebuilding my hearing will be a process that takes patience, persistence, and practice.  I fret a bit about what others will expect of me once I'm implanted - but that's another blog post.  Today is about hopes and wishes.

Getting to enjoying the music that Alexandra brings to life when she sings.  Listening to Victoria - because she has so much to share.  Hearing Brittany's voice was the first to disappear.  Conversations with my mom, dad, and Kristin - where I don't get lost watching lips.  Getting the "inside joke" at work, instead of being the joke because I completely missed it. (Whatever "it" is!)   Traveling.  Stepping outside of the "box" again.  Running...on the road...and knowing what is around me.  Talking with friends.  Traveling and not being dependent on everyone else to tell me what's happening.  Visiting with family...I'm hoping to talk my cousins into another reunion. (I couldn't attend the last one, and the last time I saw them all, I struggled to understand what they said.)

Hearing life - and living.

2012 should be a wonderful year!!


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